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Dreams of a joshua Tree

  DREAMS OF A JOSHUA TREE Have you even seen a Joshua tree? I mean, have you ever REALLY seen a Joshua tree, and wondered the reason for their melancholy? I like to believe that they have been petrified in place by the mighty desert SUN locked in place in deep interpretive dance Is there is ever a time when they are released from their static incantation? And perhaps, under the veil of the night while you and I SLEEP They dance across the desert dunes Illuminated by the stars and the moon And they move and sway in the contour of the cold dry desert wind They rejoice and converse fall in love with the world they make love and they eat and they ache Surely some well on their way to a chic Avant-garde New York City Modern Dance Studio to fulfill their dreams of notoriety and fame live the life of the socialite as they make their mark on the world of fashion and arts so no one will will fail to rememb

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